5 Days International Certified NLP Master Practitioner (CM.NLP) plus Certified NLP Coach (C.NLC) by NFNLP USA. ( add course )

5 Days International Certified NLP Master Practitioner (CM.NLP) plus Certified NLP Coach (C.NLC) by NFNLP USA.
Available permanently
Location: Jakarta
PERTAMA di Indonesia............
DAPATKAN !!! 2 Sertifikat International Certified by NFNLP USA
Certified NLP Master Practitioner (CM.NLP)
Certified NLP Coach (C.NLC) .
Persyaratan Peserta:
Certified NLP Practitioner from Recognized Certification Body
Setelah mengikuti workshop ini peserta memiliki kompetensi sebagai Internasional Master NLP Practitioner dan NLP Coach.
Dudi Motivator Transformasi Mardiyansyah
Seorang International NLP Trainer, International NLP Coach & TRANSFORMER COACH yang telah TERBUKTI melahirkan TRANSFORMER BERPRESTASI.
Hotel Ibis Slipi
Jalan Letnan Jenderal S Parman
Jakarta 11480
Jam 08.30 s.d 17.00
Investasi Sudah Termasuk Sertifikasi, Membership 1 Tahun, Seminar Kit, CD berisi materi, e-book aplikasi NLP dan Coach berbasis NLP.
Informasi Hubungi:
Phone: 021 40 2455 40
SMS 0852 8999 1234
Dudi “Motivator Transformasi” Mardiyansyah
Transformer Coach
International Certified Trainer of NLP from NFNLP USA.
International Certified Master NLP Practicioner from NFNLP USA.
International Certified Neuro Linguistic Coach from NFNLP USA.
Certified Instructor of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy from IBH
Certified Hypnotist & Hypnoterapist from IBH
Certified Behavioral Analyst ( CBA ) from DISCovery Institute Singapore.
Certified Competency Assesor ( CCA ) from QQ International.
Certified Handwritting Analysis ( CHA ) from QQ International.
Certitfied Senior Proffesional HR ( CSPHR ) from QQ International.
Certified Performance Improvement ( CPI ) from QQ International.
Certified EFT Practicioner Plus from EFT Indonesia.
Certied EFT Advance Practicioner from EFT Center ( Approved by AAMET ).
Certified EFT Trainer from APEI
Certified Hypnocoaching from NLP Consult Indonesia.
Certified Facilitator NLP Approach from NLP Consult Indonesia.
Book Author: Bangkit dari Dasar Jurang Kehidupan
Dengan PRAKTIS Kuasai betapa HEBATnya kemampuan hubungan antar manusia (interpersonal relationship skill) yang elegan dan efektif dengan:
* Kepekaan Panca Indera dalam menyerap informasi (Advanced Sensory Acuity)
* Kemampuan Membangun Trust dan Mengikis Hambatan Komunikasi (Instant Rapport)
* Mengenali dan Menyesuaikan Diri dengan Proses Berfikir dan Sumber Motivasi (Meta Program)
Secara ELEGAN, Kuasai begitu LUAR BIASA kemampuan komunikasi (Communication Mastery) dengan Komunikasi Bawah Sadar (Waking Hypnosis Patterns) dalam BAHASA INGGRIS dan BAHASA INDONESIA menggunakan:
* By-pass Words Awareness Pattern
* Temporal Pattern
* Spatial Pattern
* Cause & Effect Pattern
* Personal Trance Words
* Hypnotic Language Pattern
* Embedded Commands
* Analog Marking
* Magic Words
* Nested Loops
* Softening Phrase
* Time released Commands
* Others powerful hypnotic patterns
Secara CEPAT, Optimalkan potensi Anda untuk Sukses dengan menggunakan teknik:
* Success Track
* Auto Pilot for Success
Dengan MUDAH, Buang jauh-jauh hambatan dan gangguan mental Anda, melalui metode:
* Sliding Anchors
* Drop Down Through
* Eye Movement
Dengan NYAMAN, Hentikan kebiasaan-kebiasaan negatif Anda dengan:
* Compulsion Blow Out
* New Behavior Generator
Secara ALAMI, Gali dan Sempurnakan sumber-sumber keberhasilan dalam diri Anda melalui:
* Healing States of the Masters
* Aura Modeling
* Hammer Exercise
Secara SISTEMATIS, Temukan dengan KONKRIT jawaban dan SOLUSI atas semua permasalahan Anda menggunakan (neuro)Logical Level of Thinking
If you're looking for coach training that will take you from the beginner level all the way to true mastery and get you the tools to build your coaching business, this is it.
Whether you want to start your own coaching business or want to use the leading edge NFNLP coaching skills in your current profession...NFNLP Coach Certification Training will help you to succeed as a trained professional coach.
What is NFNLP’s NLP Coaching?
Simply the most powerful and effective coaching method available. There are some different types of coaching but NLP Coaching gets hands on concrete results faster than others because NLP Coaching is the result of studying and modeling the most effective forms of coaching and communication available and combining this with the leading edge knowledge on human behavior and thinking patterning. As an NFNLP Coach you are far more than just a “coach”. You will have access to the most advanced tools and strategies and methods for assisting individuals developed from years of hands on training by Dr. Will Horton.
Coaching fees for individuals run about $300 to $600 per month. The client typically phones the coach each week, three or four times every month for sessions of 30 to 45 minutes each. This scenario is simple and eliminates the hassle of arranging an in-person discussion. Most clients anticipate having this coaching schedule on their calendar for three to six months in order to experience high-impact coaching and lasting results. NLP Professional Coach Training is a solid investment.
You Will Learn How to... Work with many common coaching/client issues. Facilitate the client's progress through blocks, fears and obstacles. Deliver effective feedback (in a way that the client can hear) for success.
* Help clients identify their priorities, and take appropriate action based on them
* Provide your clients with the accountability they need to continue taking action
* Help clients resolve inner-conflicts and make better decisions
* Coach clients to take action now.
You will refine your communication skills by developing facility with the NLP coaching model. You will discover how to use coaching in your current work and how to improve your leadership ability. You will be able to offer more services to current clients and expand into new markets. You will get hands-on experience of both coaching and being coached. This will give you congruence around the ability to combine NLP knowledge with coaching skills.
The importance of NLP Coach Training for anyone who wants to start a career as a professional Coach or as a business professional is rapidly becoming clear. Many team leaders and managers, for instance, now find the ability to unite the principles of advanced NLP with the power of Coaching, for interacting with, and influencing others as part of their job description.
Price: Normal: Rp 9,750,000 Early Bird: Rp 8,750,000 Super Early Bird: Rp 7.750.000 Bagi Master NLP Pract NFNLP Rp. 3.750.000
Website www.PelatihanNlp.Com
Email: Bengkel.Motivasi@Yahoo.com
Phone: +6221 40 2455 40
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